Suggested Mowing Height for Healthy Lawns

Healthy Lawns in Pennsylvania Through Proper Mowing Height

Lawn Mowing is a crucial aspect of maintaining a lush, vibrant lawn in Pennsylvania. Mowing your grass at the proper height helps the overall health and appearance of your lawn. When cutting your grass, Showcase Lawn Works recommends you never cut off more than one third of the grass blade at one time.

When too much is cut off, stress to the plant occurs which causes thinning and yellowing of the grass – resulting in an undesirable appearance to your lawn. Showcase recommends a normal mowing height of 3 – 3.5 inches in the spring and early fall for Pennsylvania lawns.

Determining the Ideal Mowing Height for Pennsylvania Grass Types

The most common cool-season grasses found in Pennsylvania yards are Fine Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, and Tall Fescue. Refer to the chart below for the ideal mowing height range for each grass type:

  • Fine Fescue: 1-½ to 4 inches high
  • Kentucky Bluegrass: ¾ to 3-½ inches high
  • Perennial Ryegrass: ¾ to 2-½ inches high
  • Tall Fescue: 1-½ to 4 inches high

We advise setting your mowing height to the high end of the range to promote a deeper root system, which helps Pennsylvania lawns withstand droughts and intense heat. Cutting your grass no lower than three inches is recommended, as mowing too low can damage the grass blades and expose weeds to sunlight.

Maintaining the Proper Mowing Technique

Avoid cutting more than ⅓ of your grass while mowing. If you skip a week of mowing and the grass has grown higher than usual, adjust your mower’s settings to refrain from cutting more than the ideal ⅓ of the length. Return a couple of days later with your mower adjusted to its normal height to return your Pennsylvaniaturf to its ideal length.

Bagging or Not Bagging Clippings

Bagging clippings while mowing is not always required. A moderate amount of clippings is not unhealthy for your lawn. On the contrary, it can be beneficial to the soil by adding nitrogen back into it. However, large amounts of grass clippings that lay, on top of the lawn, in clumps or piles are unhealthy for the lawn underneath. Large amounts of cut grass laying on top of good grass can cause the healthy grass to die due to suffocation.

By following these mowing height guidelines, you can help ensure a healthy, vibrant lawn that thrives in the unique climate of Pennsylvania. Contact Showcase Lawn Works today or give us a call at 717-354-3226 to learn more about our comprehensive lawn care services tailored to Pennsylvania homeowners.