Don't Get Bagged By Bagworms
Bagworms are small pinecone shaped insects that suspend themselves from the plants on which it feeds (and damages). The caterpillar worm forms inside the encased pinecone shaped bag which is made out of what it eats – needles of pine trees and shrubs. Bagworms are one to two inches long and have a natural disguise which blends in with the tree or plant. Having one worm per bag, their natural prey is birds and squirrels. Although arborvitae trees are one of the favorite feeding sources for bagworms, any type of needled trees such as junipers, spruces, black locusts, and sycamores are other trees that the bagworms are attracted to. Containing 500 to 1000 eggs in each bag, bagworms hatch in late May to early June. In Pennsylvania, there is only one generation of bagworms per year.
After bagworms appear, there are several methods of getting rid of them. Bagworms on small shrubs and trees can be handpicked or cut off the infested plant in late fall, winter, or early spring before the eggs hatch. After removing the bagworms from the trees or shrubs, placing them into a sealed bag for proper disposal is necessary in order to avoid the reentry of this pest back into your landscape. When there is an overpopulation of bagworms or when they are not within easy reach, eliminating bagworms by spraying with an insecticide is required. A treatment plan of two applications of insecticide – applied about four weeks apart – will kill the bagworms. When insecticide is used to kill the bagworms, the bag will still be on the tree or plant until it is pulled off or it falls off. Unfortunately, it is possible for bagworms to return in any given year. Taking action is immensely important to eliminate them any time they appear. Left untreated, bagworms will destroy any plant or tree they are on.
The professionals at Showcase Lawn Works can help you with any bagworm problems on plants or trees and prevent this destructive pest from doing any further damage. By having scheduled lawn treatments, we’ll keep an eye on your property’s plants and trees for potential pests and problems.
Learn more about our services by visiting our website now. You can contact us online using our online form or give us a call at 717-354-3226.
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