Don't Let Pesky Lawn Disease and Fungus Overtake Your Lawn
There are many types of fungus in Pennsylvania with some of them being more destructive than others.
Below are several types of fungus.
Brown Patch Fungus: Affecting the leaves of plants and grasses, this fungus occurs most often in June, July, and August. Brown patch can be controlled by preventing the water build-up that promotes its growth. Lawn treatments after the appearance of the fungus helps rid the areas of the disease.
Powdery Mildew Fungus: This fungus appears as white areas in grass and on plant leaves. This fungus favors a warm (60-80°F), dry climate with high and low humidity not being favorable for the ridding of this disease. Once infected, it can be difficult to eradicate the powdery mildew fungus, so the focus of the homeowner should be on prevention.
Red Thread Fungus: Appearing as red areas in the grass, this lawn disease is caused by a fungus which appears mostly in the spring and early summer. Planting a resistant grass variety will help reduce the threat of red thread taking over your lawn. Red thread will eventually grow itself out without any treatment in about two weeks once the ground dries out.
Snow Mold Circle Fungus: After snow melts and exposes the turf in late winter and early spring, this fungus is first noticed. Appearing as a pink, white, or tan dead patch inside an outer ring of copper-colored turfgrass, this fungus ranges in size from two to ten inches in diameter. As a preventive measure, a lawn treatment applied before the first snow cover in the fall will add to the successful control of this fungus.
Dollar Spot Fungus: This fungus can develop anytime during the summer – with late summer and early fall being the optimum time for its appearance. White or tan spots of dead grass about the size of a silver dollar (or even up to three inches in diameter) are tell-tale signs of this lawn disease. Lawn treatments applied when dollar spots are visible are successful in treating this disease. Early season treatments before symptoms appear can reduce the severity of outbreaks later in the season.
Gray Leaf Spot Fungus: This lawn disease penetrates and infects the leaf blades producing small brown spots. It progresses to eventually appearing as dark purple/red ovals around tan centers. Spots enlarge and the entire leaf blade is damaged. Outbreaks occur during warm and humid weather in the summer and early fall. Preventing this fungus from growing, with a consistent lawn care program is the optimal approach to having a healthy lawn.
Lawn fungus can be treated after it appears. If left untreated, fungus can destroy a whole lawn. Showcase uses two treatments of fungicide, approximately 20-28 days apart, as the protocol for alleviating diseased areas. If the root system is not damaged too badly, improvement can be seen in 30 to 45 days.
Learn more about our services by visiting our website now. You can contact us online using our online form or give us a call at 717-354-3226.
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