Liven Up Your PA Landscape With the Added Protection of Mulch
Now is the perfect time to spruce up your South Central PA landscape. The warmer weather is here, but there is still plenty of time to enjoy the rest of the season. The addition of mulch is a quick and easy way to brighten up any landscape, and it has a multitude of advantages for both your plants and gardens. Before we dive into what these advantages are, let’s first explain what mulch is and what it is made of.
Type of Mulch
Mulch is a protective layer of various materials, either organic or inorganic, spread over your soil, or around a plant or tree. Two common types of mulch used here in PA are wood, also known as bark mulch, and decorative stone mulch, also known as rock mulch. Wood is organic. Therefore, it will break down over time and deposit nutrients back into the soil. Rock mulch is not organic and will not break down in your soil, however, it won’t need to be replaced as often.
Here at Showcase Lawn Works, we use mulch made from organic materials such as manure, leaves, and other compostable materials. Our mulch is created so that its elements break down into your soil, doubling as a fertilizer.
Benefits of Using Mulch
As we mentioned above, mulch provides a multitude of benefits. Some of those include:
Soil Enrichment and Increased Moisture Retention
The elements that make up our organic mulch break down into our soil over time, allowing your soil to soak them up and act as additional fertilizer. Switching to mulch will also enable your gardens to be watered less. During our hot South Central PA summers, your plants and garden are susceptible to water loss. A layer of mulch will help shade them and slow down the evaporation process. Imagine your plants and garden continuing to prosper, yet you end up watering less! Add a layer of mulch around your trees and shrubs as well, and keep them cool and moist all summer long.
Stronger Roots
By adding in moisture retention, mulch allows your plant’s root system to grow deeper and stronger. When the moisture is given more time to penetrate the soil, it goes deeper and picks up nutrients along the way. When the nutrient-rich water hits the roots, it results in vigorous, healthy growth.
Protection from Extreme Weather
In South Central PA, we can have all four seasons in one day. It is not unheard of to have your heat on in the morning and air conditioning unit on later in the day. Extreme weather conditions such as rain, wind, snow, and direct sunlight can cause soil erosion and multiple issues. Using mulch minimizes the threat of erosion during harsh weather conditions and prevents the loss of essential nutrients through runoff. In the winter, it acts as a blanket and in the summer as an insulator keeping it cool. A layer of mulch around your trees and shrubs, your garden, and around plants will help keep them protected and prepared to thrive all season long.
Weed Prevention
Weeds are lawn and garden invaders stealing vital nutrients from your plants and grass. Mulch acts as a barrier preventing weeds from receiving sunlight, oxygen, and water. This will prevent them from sprouting and smother those that do. Not only will your garden look better without unwanted growth, but you will soon find you are spending less time weeding each week.
Enhances Curb Appeal
There are many different colors of mulch. You can add the same or different colors around gardens, trees, and shrubs and accentuate specific areas of your landscape. Adding mulch not only adds a pop of color to your property, but with all the protection and health it adds to your plants and garden, your landscape will look better overall.
Give Your South Central PA Landscape The Boost It Needs With Mulch
Showcase Lawn Works is the solution for all your landscaping needs, including adding mulch to your property. Our mulching service is the perfect landscape pick-me-up for any home or business owner. Our organic mulch will help protect and enhance the growth of your grass, plants, garden, trees, and shrubs.
We also offer other landscaping needs, including landscaping design. We want to help you turn your outdoor property into your dream escape. Learn more by visiting our website’s Landscaping page, calling us at 717-354-3226, or contacting us here today. For more ideas, tips, and advice regarding lawn care and landscaping, check out our other blog articles. To get to know us more personally, follow us on Facebook and see what we’re all about.