Proper Snow Removal - Protect Plants, Property, and Pets

Winter snow can change the look of our gardens and property by coating our plants, lawns and paved surfaces to create a winter wonderland.  As pretty and magical as the snow can be, we should be aware of its destructive nature on our plants, shrubs, and trees. Because snow can pass through the bare branches of shrubs and deciduous trees that have lost their leaves (such as maples, oaks, birches, etc.), snow is not a big concern for them. On the other hand, heavy snow can weigh down the branches of evergreen trees and shrubs and cause harm.  One heavy snowfall can ruin the branching structure of an evergreen plant for a season or possibly even permanently.  Due to the excessive weight of snow and ice, branches will bend and potentially break.

Proper Snow Removal from Plants
Showcase LawnWorks recommends that snow buildup on evergreen plant branches be gently removed by lightly tapping the branch and allowing the snow to fall to the ground.  By not being too aggressive with this snow removal technique, you will avoid the potential of breaking branches that might be frozen.  If snow and ice have bent down branches to create hazardous conditions, this is a good indication that snow removal is necessary.

Proper Snow Removal from Hard Surfaces
During snow removal from sidewalks and driveway surfaces, be careful not to stack snow on shrubs.   Excess snow can crush a plant with the concentrated weight.  With a bit of forethought, you can find places to stack snow away from the plants – which will ultimately preserve your garden investment.

Use of Ice and Snow Melt
Ice and snow melting products should be used with caution.  If possible, do not use straight rock salt.  Although rock salt is a good ice melting product, be aware that the excess salt ends up on your lawn and eventually goes into the water supply.  By using environmentally friendly, alternative ice melting products, you are protecting more than just your property and the environment. Your pets will benefit from your choosing alternative products because ice melting products will get on their paws and eventually end up in their bodies.

If you have any questions about snow removal products or techniques, call Showcase LawnWorks.

Learn more about our services by visiting our website now. You can contact us online using our online form or give us a call at 717-354-3226.

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snow on trees